6 Products to Make Flu Season a Little Easier

  • Jan 9, 2021

As the weather turns cooler and the leaves change color, cold and flu season begins to rear its ugly head. Cold and flu season typically starts in the fall and peaks in January and February, and this year it’s a double feature with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. But don’t worry! Here are some of our favorite promotional products that will help keep your customers and employees healthy this flu season:

Touch Tool Keychain

touch tool keychain

What do door handles and elevator buttons have in common? They’re both germ hangouts! Help your clients keep their hands clean and pathogen-free by giving away these slick touch tool keychains, which allow users to open doors and press buttons without ever having to come into contact with any surfaces.

Hand Sanitizers

hand sanitizer

Now, if you do touch some door handles or other common touch areas, don’t fret! This promotional hand sanitizer is here to save the day. With a large branding area for your logo, your customers will never have to wonder who they have to thank for the clean, bacteria-free hands.



During cold and flu season, sniffles and runny noses are inevitable, and there’s nothing worse than the feeling of a drippy schnoz when you’re out and about. However, with this perfectly portable and pocket-sized package of tissues, your clients will be prepared for all kinds of coughs, sneezes, and drips.



Since this year’s flu season is predicted to be especially sniffly, masks are going to be a necessity. Plus, you can never have too many! Get masks printed with your branding for timely and useful giveaways, perfect for customers and employees alike.

Mask Ear Protectors

mask ear protectors

Between earrings, headbands, earbuds, eyeglasses, and of course masks, everyone’s ears are pulling a lot of weight right now. And with the flu season partnering alongside COVID-19 this year, masks don’t appear to be going away anytime soon. Help give your employees’ ears some relief with these branded ear protectors. Simply hook the straps of your mask into the notches on the ear protector instead of your ears and wear as normal – just much more comfortably!

Mask Stress Ball

mask stress ball

Look, we know this flu season isn’t going to be stress-free. But that doesn’t mean it has to be super stressful, either! Help your team manage stress by handing out these cute stress balls that feature a little mask-wearing face. They’re not just adorable, they’re relevant too!

Curious about what other health & wellness products we carry? Contact us today!

  • Category: Promotional Product Ideas
  • Tags: Promotional Products, Flu Season, Cold and Flu, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Pandemic, Health, Wellness